From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

   A gophermap file is a means of defining menus for gopher
   content. The gophermap provides a virtual view of the content
   available allowing one to rename files, hide them, or even link to
   content on other servers. The gophermap is supported by both
   Bucktooth and PyGopherd. These servers must perform some processing
   on the gophermap file before sending the menu back to the
   client. For example, Bucktooth will send any RFC 1436 compliant
   line to the client. Since it would be a major drag to always have
   to type things out in full, Bucktooth allows the following

     * If you don't specify a port, Bucktooth provides the one your
       server is using (almost always 70).

     * If you don't specify a host, Bucktooth provides your server's

     * If you only specify a relative selector and not an absolute
       path, Bucktooth sticks on the path they're browsing.


   The gophermap file consists of zero or more lines containing lines
   that can be one of the following types.

     * Comment Lines: Comment lines contain plaintext without any
       tabs. These are sent unchanged to the client and can be used
       for descriptions or for welcome banners.

     * Selector Lines: Selector lines are tab-delimited records that
       specify all the information a gopher client needs to retrieve
       the particular resource including the itemtype, display string,
       server, and port. In the example below  signifies the tab
       character (CTRL-I, 0x09).

   1gopher.floodgap.com home/homegopher.floodgap.com70

   The above selector line generates a link to "/home" selector on
   gopher.floodgap.com, port 70 with an itemtype of 1 and a display
   string of "gopher.floodgap.com home". (The selector can be left
   empty. A null selector is the same as the root of the mountpoint.)

   Valid itemtypes include (defined in RFC 1436)

     * 0 = text
     * 1 = gopher menu
     * 5 = zip file
     * 7 = search server
     * 9 = generic binary
     * I = generic image
     * g = gif image
     * s = sound or audio file
     * h = HTML (or URL referencing any other non-gopher
           protocol). Note that when itemtype = h and it points to an
           outside URL (and not just an internal HTML file) the URL
           must be preceded by a literal "URL:", as shown below.

   hGoogle home pageURL:http://www.google.com

Retrieved from

     * Internet Gopher

